Executive summary

Our Mission

We develop Web3 mindset to prepare fantastic future with AI powered education

Our Strategy

We believe in Web3. Yes, we do! We believe that during our lifetime we will witness many processes change, including technology, economics, education, and work.


As many of you know, current Web1 and Web2 online education has a lot of gaps mainly produced by human factors, a lack of automation and inability of fast updates of the learning materials and courses. There is one more problem - an outdated approach in learning flow, where students lose their motivation to learn just by getting some boring materials and obvious tests.

The current educational market is filled with Web2 educational projects and a level of education depends on tutors level, which can’t be approved or tested. This leads to a thousands courses presented by low-level experts.

At the same time, learning flow is usually "automated" and doesn't give students any opportunity to have a dialog with a tutor. Some educational platforms have blocks of Q&A but they are very limited with a tutors time, bandwidth and schedule.

Manual course preparation usually takes from 1 to 6 months and has a great risk of getting outdated even before publication.

At the end of all, testing process is very obviuos and can show not the real level of students understanding, but a skill to choose a right option from the list.

All these factors make educational course creation as a part of onboarding process very complicated. So Web3 projects lose growth dynamics and can't accomplish major milestones of their roadmaps. So the educational part becomes a real blocker, especially in new industries like Web3.


Let us present you KEDOS - AI-powered Web3 course bulder which will shape the future of education.

AI powered KEDOS solution takes away a human factor and makes education course creation fast, cheap and effective. KEDOS AI reduces a course creation time and cost x30 times improving customer experience with:

  • AI powered Self-updating Adaptive
 Web3 course builder

  • Autonomous and 24/7 Available

  • Innovative Learn2Earn Model


A humified Artificial Intellegence who will lead you through the innovative dialog based educational process and automatically creates flexible auto-updated personalised learning courses.


We combine the best web3, learn2earn and AI practices to bring a new gamified educational approach in native dialog form, where users can talk straight to KEDDY AI, get instantly automatically created learning materials by request, get tested and certified automatically, saving their success in SBT (Soul Bound Token).

KEDOS is not just one more courses bulding platform, handled by a group of people, but a modern decentralized project drived and governed by the community using DAO approach.

Last updated